
Martha has explored different kinds of natural healing for a number of years and has seen good results from many remedies. She has, however, found her true calling in Qi healing and training. Since meeting with her a number of times for one on one healing sessions I am more centered, have fewer aches and pains, my demeanor is lighter, I laugh more and have more compassion for others. I highly recommend her.



I am so thankful to have met Martha, a kind, and gentle healer in the Zhineng Qigong tradition. I went to her for treatment of a pain in my hip. It reminded me of a nerve pain I felt when I had shingles, brought on by stress, and I was afraid of another shingles outbreak. I have been focusing on connecting with my physical and energetic body over the past few years, in order to find equilibrium, decrease stress, and live intentionally in harmony with it all. Martha helped me find that equilibrium, with patience and skillful guidance, organizing the qi field, and helping me clear the energy blocked in that area. I felt that she helped unharness my ability to self-heal. At the end of my session, both of us noted a shift, and since then I have not experienced any pain associated with that area. She was kind enough to share some exercises, both physical and energetic, that I could practice at home to maintain the practice. I attend her qigong group classes whenever I have the opportunity. I highly recommend her individual qi therapy sessions as well as her classes as significant components of a holistic health journey.

-Shannon F

For nearly two years I have been fortunate enough to practice with Martha Work and call her my teacher. What a powerful and optimistic healer! Martha has taught me how to transform so many of my thoughts so that I can stay positive in my practice and in my healing, and has introduced me to new ways of thinking about my body, dealing with pain and keeping my balance. I have found both my class time and individual therapy sessions to be very beneficial to my wellness. I am grateful for Martha’s continued support of my intentions and her gentle yet firm guidance throughout it all. Thank you Martha!
